Documentation Build Guide#

This guide provides information for developers who want to contribute to the AMD GPU Operator documentation available at The docs use rocm-docs-core as their base and the below guide will show how you can build and serve the docs locally for testing.

Building and Serving the Docs#

  • Create a Python Virtual Environment (optional, but recommended)

python3 -m venv .venv/docs
source .venv/docs/bin/activate (or source .venv/docs/Scripts/activate on Windows)
  • Install required packages for docs

pip install -r docs/sphinx/requirements.txt
  • Build the docs

python3 -m sphinx -b html -d _build/doctrees -D language=en ./docs/ docs/_build/html
  • Serve docs locally on port 8000

python3 -m http.server -d ./docs/_build/html/
  • You can now view the docs site by going to http://localhost:8000

Auto-building the docs#

The below will allow you to watch the docs directory and rebuild the documenatation each time you make a change to the documentation files:

  • Install Sphinx Autobuild package

pip install sphinx-autobuild
  • Run the autobuild (will also serve the docs on port 8000 automatically)

sphinx-autobuild -b html -d _build/doctrees -D language=en ./docs docs/_build/html --ignore "docs/_build/*" --ignore "docs/sphinx/_toc.yml"


  • Navigation Menu not displaying new links

Note that if you’ve recently added a new link to the navigation menu previously unchanged pages may not correctly display the new link. To fix this delete the existing _build/ directory and rebuild the docs so that the navigation menu will be rebuilt for all pages.